

Dr. Brian Rush, PhD, leader of ATOP International, will participate in the VI Congress of the Cuban Society of Bioenergetic and Naturalist Medicine - BIONAT, which will be held at the Havana Convention Center, Cuba, from September 3 to 7, 2018.

Dr. Rush’s lecture, entitled: "The Ayahuasca Treatment Outcome Project (ATOP): Overview and preliminary findings and observations" (Rush et al.), will be presented on September 4 in the framework of a Symposium on Indigenous and Afro-descendant Medicine coordinated by PAHO/WHO. The Ayahuasca Treatment Outcome Project - ATOP is an international research project in which several countries have been collaborating such as Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, among others. The objective is to systematically evaluate the therapeutic effects and the effectiveness of the treatment of addictions based on the articulation of traditional Amazonian medicine, including the use of ayahuasca, and modern psychotherapy.

The Cuban Society of Bioenergetic and Naturalist Medicine (SCMBN), in conjunction with other entities and organizations, has organized the International Congresses on "Science, nature and tradition for life" calling for the participation of professionals from around the world, related to the work of the various branches of medicinal plants and the general development of Natural and Traditional Medicine. These events seek to disseminate scientific research developed within the framework of the systematic study of Natural and Traditional Medicine in its different therapeutic modalities, including research in the field of medicinal plants with an anthropological and ethnobotanical approach. Likewise, it is expected that this event will promote cooperation among countries, the exchange of experiences, sustainable practices and the transfer of knowledge, as well as participatory social development, protection of human health and the environment.

More information: BIONAT 2018