Documentation Produced by External Researchers

Thesis, reports and research work developed in Takiwasi by national and foreign students and researchers

Treating substance dependencies with psychoactives: A theoretical and qualitative empirical study on therapeutic uses of ayahuasca

Author: Anja Presser-Velder

A dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the riquerements for the degree of Doctor scientiarumhumanarum, Center for Psychosocial Medicine, Institute of Medical Psychology, Faculty of Medecine, Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heildeberg, Germany. 2012.

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Towards a sustainable community forest management of medicinal plants – The case of Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) in the native community Chirik Sacha in San Martín, Peru

Author: Anne Jahnkow

Thesis presented for the academic degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.), International Forest Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany, August 2024.

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Therapeutic Potential of Consciousness Modifying Substances in the Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts, or the Challenge to the Newtonian-Cartesian Health Paradigm

Author: Aukse Kerseviciute

A Case Study on Takiwasi Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Centre in Tarapoto, Peru. Dissertation submitted as partial requirement for an Honors degree in Hispanic Studies, School of Hispanic Studies, Department of Language & Literature, University of Aberdeen, 36 p., 2016.

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Ayahuasca Treatment Outcome Project (ATOP): One Year Results from Takiwasi Center and Implications for Psychedelic Science

Author: Brian Rush, Olivia Marcus, Sara García, Anja Loizaga-Velder, Ariane Spitalier, Fernando Mendive

Published in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, August 2023.

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Evaluating addiction treatment: availability of information in patient files at Takiwasi Centre in Peru

Author: Carlinde W. Broeks

Report Medical Research Training. University of Amsterdam. 2008.

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From Demonic Agency to Divine Presence: A Study of Human-Entity Relations at an Ayahuasca Treatment Centre

Author: Christoffer Stuveback

Master’s thesis, Department of Social Anthropology, Lund University, 2015, pp. 77.

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Enseñanzas y mareaciones. Exploring intercultural health through experience and interaction with healers and plant teachers in San Martin, Peru

Author: Claire Louise Sieber

University of Victoria. Department of Anthropology. British Columbia, Canada. 2007.

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Amazonian medicine and the psychedelic revival: Considering the "dieta"

Author: David M. O'Shaughnessy, Ilana Berlowitz

Published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, May 28, 2021.

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Takiwasi: addiction treatment in the “Singing House”

Author: David M. O’Shaughnessy

PhD thesis, College of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University, 2017. 283 p.

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Within-treatment changes in a novel addiction treatment program using traditional Amazonian medicine

Author: David M. O’Shaughnessy, Ilana Berlowitz, Robin Rodd, Zoltán Sarnyai, Frances Quirk

Published in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, Vol. 11: 1-18, January 2021.

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Traditional Amazonian medicine in addiction treatment: Qualitative results

Author: David O'Shaughnessy, Zoltán Sarnyai, Frances Quirk, Robin Rodd

Published in SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, December 2022.

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Amazonian Vegetalismo: a study of the healing power of chants in Tarapoto, Peru

Author: François Demange

M.A in Social Sciences by Independent Studies, University of East London. 2002.

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Exploring the use of Amazonian Plant Diets in Europe

Author: Giorgia Tresca

Master thesis in Environmental Anthropology, University of Kent, UK, October 2018.

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Traditional Amazonian medicine adapted to treat substance use disorder

Author: Ilana Berlowitz

PhD thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 2017.

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Shamanism, traditional medicine and drug dependency in the Peruvian Upper Amazon: A study of addiction therapy and rehabilitation at Takiwasi Center

Author: Jamie J.C. Moir

University of Portsmouth. School of Languages and Area Studies. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. 1998, Marzo. United Kingdom.

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Ayahuasca and the treatment of addiction

Author: Marcelo S. Mercante

Mana vol.19 no.3 Rio de Janeiro Dec. 2013. Translated by Ati Supino, PhD.

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The role of icaros as therapeutic tools in psycho-emotional healing: An IPA study of musical experiences during the ceremonial practice of traditional Amazonian medicine (TAM) at Takiwasi

Author: Maya Sherwin

MA thesis in Therapeutic Music Studies, University of the West of England (UK), 2018.

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The House of Song. The rehabilitation of drug addicts by the traditional indigenous medicine of the Peruvian Amazon

Author: Miroslav Horák

Mendel University in Brno Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies. 2013.

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Comparative Research of Drug Addiction Treatment by the Traditional Indigenous Medicine of Peruvian Amazon and the Matrix® Model

Author: Miroslav Horák

The 2nd Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference, November, 17-21 2014.

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Effective factors of addiction treatment communities in Peru, Nicaragua and Czechia

Author: Miroslav Horák, Kristina Somerlikova, Rita Kocarova, Nahanga Verter, Hector Santiago Aldama Gonzalez, Mariah Cruz de Souza Tronco

Published in Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, March 2021.

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Initiation Plants in Drug Addiction Treatment: The Purgahuasca Therapy

Author: Miroslav Horák, Nahanga Verter, Kristina Somerlíková

Published in Anthropology of Consciousness, February 2021.

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The psychology of plants : an ethnography of patient-provider relationships at the Takiwasi Center for rehabilitation

Author: Nora Harrington

School of Social Sciences, Hampshire College, USA. 2008.

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Ayahuasca Therapies: The Making and Remaking of Traditional Healing in Global Context

Author: Olivia Marcus

Doctoral Dissertation, Anthropology Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Connecticut, April 2020.

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Convergent therapies in Peru’s Amazon: Enriching Mental Wellness through Ayahuasca and Psychotherapy

Author: Olivia Marcus, Eugenia Fotiou

Published in Gender, Health, and Society in Contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean, Ronnie Shepard & Shir Lerman Ginzburg (editors), Lexington Books, pp. 117-137, 2019.

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Escucha los Cantos: Non-Human Agency in Peruvian Vegetalismo and Shamanic Pilgrimage

Author: Owain J. Graham

PhD Thesis, Graduate Program in Music, University of California, Riverside, March 2024.

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Healing with plants and spirits: a phenomenological and ontological perspective of the treatment practice of patients and visitors in Takiwasi, Peru

Author: Roger Häland

Master thesis in Social Anthropology, University of Oslo. 2014.

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Ayahuasca and the Dieta: Treatment Components at the Takiwasi Center

Author: Sacha Amato

Master Thesis, Psychopathology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands, June 2022.

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Icaros: the healing songs of Amazonian curanderismo and their relationship to Jungian psychology

Author: Samantha Black

These for Psychology Master, Sonoma State University. 2014.

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The healing power of the icaros: a phenomenological study of ayahuasca experiences

Author: Susana Bustos

Thesis for the Degree of Doctor in Philosophy in East-West Psychology, Institute of Integral Studies, California. 2008.

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The House that Sings: The Therapeutic Use of Icaros at Takiwasi

Author: Susana Bustos

Shaman's Drum: A Journal of Experiential Shamanism and Spiritual Healing, no. 73, 2006, pp 33-39.

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Purging mothers, memories, and murders: a qualitative study exploring perspectives of plant healers, plant preparers, and psychotherapists at a drug rehabilitation centre in Peru

Author: Svet Lustig

Submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MSc Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), United Kingdom, November 2022.

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