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Rituals of Life, From the Day-To-Day to the Sacred - November 2015

Conference by Dr. Rosa Giove, co-founder and biomedical head of the Takiwasi Center, presented during the VIII Forum of CISEI - Inter-American Council on Indigenous Spirituality, “Healing, Rituality and Daily Life”. Organized by the Takiwasi Center and held from November 25 to 28, 2015, in Tarapoto, Peru.

Author : Martín Huamán

Audio : Spanish

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Dr. Jacques Mabit and the “Sovereigns” - October 2015

Accompanied by his wife, Dr. Rosa Giove, with great availability Dr. Jacques Mabit heard the testimonies of the "Sovereigns", who with words and songs have opened their hearts to a doctor who sings. "Sovereigns Anonymous" is a radio program created in December 1989. It is produced, directed and animated by Mohamed Lotfi with a group of prisoners from the Bordeaux prison in Montreal.

Author : Mohamed Lotfi

Audio : French

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The contribution of traditional Amazonian medicine to the treatment of addictions: the example of the Takiwasi Center - September 2015

The approach to dependencies raises the question of the validity and dangerousness of modified state of consciousness induced. Ancient medicines, especially in the Amazon, show a thousand-year-old use not only without damaging consequences, but with clear individual and collective benefits, and without provoking any dependence.

Author : Risq - Québec

Audio : French

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International meeting for the Indigenous-Christian Dialogue - June 2015

Meeting held in Huarochiri - Peru in June 2015. It brought together some 50 people from different parts of the continent to rescue the convergences between the main spiritual currents that make up the Latin-American culture. This event produced very encouraging results manifested in the Declaration of Huarochiri

Author : Eduardo Gutiérrez

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : English, Français

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Takiwasi, House of Healing - Official Trailer - 2015

Trailer of the documentary about the treatment & research center Takiwasi, located in the High Amazon region of Peru. Founded in 1992, Takiwasi uses Traditional Amazonian Medicine combined with Western psychology to achieve a high success rate in the treatment of severe drug addiction and other psychological disorders. The center has developed a unique approach of integration and articulation of Western science and traditional methods to produce a therapeutic protocol focused on long term, sustainable results for its patients. Full movie available here: Takiwasi, House of Healing

Author : Ricardo D'Aguiar & Christopher Zahlten

Audio : English

Subtitle : English

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Ayahuasca and Personal Development - September 2014

Ayahuasca is not only used as a medicine or sacrament; more and more people are seeking ayahuasca to facilitate their personal development through the introspective nature of the experience. Many groups and centers around the world offer ayahuasca for this purpose, in ritualistic contexts of different kinds. The participants in this session will share their experiences and observations from working with ayahuasca in these settings. Intervention by psychologist Danae Saenz, first World Ayahuasca Conference, Ibiza, Spain, 25-27 September 2014.

Author : Iceers

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : Italiano

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The Three Sources of Revelation - July 2014

Dr. Jacques Mabit, founder of the Takiwasi Center for Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts and for Research on Traditional Medicines, shares his insights on the benefits and dangers of the shamanic healing path. Interviewed at Takiwasi Center by Nick Polizzi.

Author : Nick Polizzi - Sacred Science

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : English

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Ayahuasca and traditional Amazonian medicine in the treatment of addictions - June 2014

Jacques Mabit presents the experience of the Takiwasi Center to inspire other social initiatives during the LH Positive Economy Forum - San Patrignano 2014.

Author : LH Positive Economy Forum

Audio : French

Subtitle : English, Español

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Takiwasi Laboratory - Video presentation - 2014

The Takiwasi Laboratory develops and commercializes natural products for health and personal care that are inspired by the knowledge of the Amazonian ancestral medicine.

Author : Laboratorio Takiwasi

Audio : Spanish

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Sustainable use of medicinal plants - 2014

A successful experience of Biotrade in San Martin. The Takiwasi Laboratory begins its research and development phase as a project promoted by the Takiwasi Center, a non-profit association that since 1992 has been dedicated to the research on traditional Amazonian medicine with an intercultural approach. In 2011 the Takiwasi Laboratory began its pilot project of Biotrade.

Author : Laboratorio Takiwasi

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : -

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